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Do you feel like your spouse is constantly criticizing you? The second they open their mouth to utter any words,
you “dock” because surely, the daggers will soon come flying out. Communication between the both of you has now
become extinct, as God-forbid you engage them in conversation, only to end up dealing with such callousness.
You watch out for yourself!
What your spouse does goes beyond criticism of your actions
and extends to criticism of your character, which could have a
long-term effect on your self-esteem. (Yes it does! You always
avoid them because they make you feel less than adequate once
the critical comments start flowing).
In most situations, this negative behavior has always existed in
the relationship (you just overlooked it hoping they’ll see the light
and ‘change’) and eventually the partner who is constantly being
criticized – YOU – will get to a point where they can’t take it
So how do you earn your respect back, after you’ve allowed
yourself to be disrespected for so long? Here is one key tip that
can help change the course of your relationship for the better.
Your partner needs to learn how to complain and not
I hear you asking…is that not the same thing? Doesn’t
complaining still prove they disrespect me? Why must they
complain? I’ll tell you why. If your name doesn’t follow the
designation ‘St.’ (for saint), there is NO possible way you could
do everything right in your relationship. Be honest! (If you still
need convincing, check in with me ASAP and I’ll help bring
home a few truths.)
In a relationship, no one person is always right. You are two
different people from two different backgrounds with two
different experiences. The fact that you see things differently
proves that what might be considered right…is totally subjective.
They are very different!
Criticism is an attack on your character, while a complaint is
expressing displeasure about a situation. Calling you names
because you did something wrong is criticism. Here’s an
example; you had to pick up your partner at a certain time but
were horribly late. Then, your partner resorts to calling you
stupid, irresponsible (true story!) or spews negative attacks at
your character – Ha! This behavior signifies that they have
formed the habit of criticizing you.
All hope’s not lost!
Your partner needs to understand how to separate who you are,
in essence, your character (i.e. you are not stupid and you are
not irresponsible) from what you did or didn’t do (i.e. you
picked them up late).
Your partner has to learn that instead of criticizing and
disrespecting you, all they need to do is complain about what
they are not happy with. It’s really that simple. It’s actually ok
for them to have issues with things that you do – believe it or
not, conflict teaches you both more about each other, your likes
and dislikes – but you have to communicate issues by complaining
not criticizing before you can actually have a healthy, fact-
finding discussion about each other.
This is how it should be done!
When your partner modifies their speech towards you from
phrases like “Why did you pick me up so late? You are so stupid
and irresponsible!” to phrases like “Whenever I ask for a ride
and you show up very late, it makes me feel hurt and a bit
Talk about your feelings and not their character!
Your partner has to bring up discussions with you in a more
neutral manner. They need to talk about how the situation made
them feel – not attack your character. Tell them the words they
say that hurt you (for a marriage to thrive, you both need to be
vulnerable with each other). Notice I’m not saying you should
tell them to not bring up issues because like I mentioned earlier,
they just might have valid issues to talk about (i.e. your always
being horribly late). However, they need to learn how to bring
issues up without attacking your character. They need to
separate you from the issues.
Here’s a big BUT…
While this is one sure-fire way to ensure your spouse doesn’t
hurt your feelings with their unending criticism, you can’t force
them into changing their critical ways in the middle of one of
your arguments. How easy is it for you to listen to anyone
when you are all fired up and ready to blow? The both of you
must be thinking with a clear head when you initiate a discussion
asking them to quit being so negative and critical.
And this is when you strike gold!
When you are both calm, your request for them to revisit the
way they address you won’t come off as being irrational or
emotional. At this stage, they become more willing to evaluate
their behavior and make the necessary changes. There is nothing
more beautiful than a marriage void of criticism. Nothing!
I’d love to hear from you! Do you think your spouse is just too
critical? What exactly can you say to them to stop them from
‘stomping’ on your self-esteem? I can help.
Wishing you unending joy in your marriage,
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