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Stage III of Ovarian cancer is a condition when the
cancer has spread from one or both ovaries to the lining of
the abdomen or to the region of lymph nodes. Usually the
stage III cancer has a 45 percent survival rate, according
to studies.
Unfortunately, the symptoms are not prevalent and go
unrecognized in early stages I and II. In stage III,
however, since the cancer has spread, it causes major
symptoms which must be adhered to, by the patient and the
doctor. Here is a brief description of some of the major
symptoms of stage 3 ovarian cancer:
Symptoms Of Stage 3 Ovarian Cancer
When the ovarian cancer spreads to abdominal lining, it may
lead to abdominal bloating. It is a condition when there is a
visible abdominal distention and your tummy seems to be
growing.This is because, when cancer spreads, a liquid,
known as ascites fluid is produced and fills the abdominal
cavity. However if you are experiencing bloating, it may not
be ovarian cancer always. You must get a checkup done by
your gynecologist.
Pelvic And Abdominal Pain
Ovarian cancer, in stage III may cause a constant pain in
lower abdomen or a kind of pressure in the pelvic area. This
pain does not have anything to do with digestion, and its
reasons remain unknown, if the problem has not been
In the late stages of ovarian cancer, pelvic or abdominal
pain is the most common symptom. A pelvic pain should be
reported to a doctor and is not something to be ignored, if it
lasts for more than a week.
Urinary Frequency And Urgency
One may pass urine frequently if one suffers from ovarian
cancer. This is because, in stage III, the tumor spreads to
surrounding areas and this may, in turn irritate the urinary
This may lead to conditions when may find it urgent to
urinate or a situation when one feels the urge of urinating
frequently than normal. Urinary capacity of a woman is
tremendously reduced when cancerous cells surround her
Change In Bowel Habit
One may experience an unexplained change in bowel habits
as a symptom of ovarian cancer. As a result, both
constipation and diarrhea may be developed. Constipation
occurs when obstruction caused by tumor preventseasy
movement of bowels.
Diarrhea or watery stools may occur when increased
amount of contractions in colon pass stools at a faster rate.
For the same reason, IBS , i.e Irritable Bowel
Syndrome, is often mistaken for ovarian cancer.
Loss Of Appetite And Weight Loss
Loss of appetite is another major symptom of ovarian cancer
in the later stage. One suffering from ovarian cancer may
not feel hungry at all or may feel full even after having a
small meal. This is primarily because the ascites that builds
up in the abdominal cavity gives a feeling of fullness and the
overall metabolism of the person is affected by the cancer
which reaches abdomen in stage III.
It is also accompanied by unexplained loss or gain in weight,
which again has to do with the metabolism of the human
body. Ovarian cancer is a very critical condition, and if you
are suffering from above mentioned symptoms, it means you
are already in its latter stage. However these symptoms
could also be of some benign problems, but medical attention
must be sought if these occur for more than 2 weeks.
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