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How to know a faithful man and spot a cheater in a relationship "For Women Only"

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Are you having issues with identifying a man who will fit into your life like no other. Check out these tips to find out.

Can a man be faithful when he has the option to lay in “greener pastures?” Really think about that for a moment. The statement above, if true, would seem to prove otherwise. All men have the option to cheat.
Whether or not a man cheats has little do with availability. It has everything to do with the character of that man. To be, or not to be faithful are both individual choices.

The true measure of a man is determined by his finer qualities not his options to stray. Here are 3 qualities of a real man and how to spot a cheater.

1. A Real Man Has Commitment
I have known men on both sides of the proverbial coin, those who cheat fluently and those who are steadfastly faithful. Both arrive at their chosen destination intentionally. Men who cheat do so with intention.

They use the latest technology to advance their indiscretions. Social media isn’t inherently bad. Facebook and other social media sites don’t ruin relationships. It’s a neutral platform that can be used to honor a woman or to dishonor her. What determines its use is its user. A committed man will use these tools to honor the woman he is committed to with great integrity.

2. A Real Man Has Integrity
Integrity is what a man does when no one is watching. It’s who he is when the camera is off. This man will protect the integrity of his relationship in the presence of his woman and in her absence. He’s not faithful under “duress.”

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