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World champion bodybuilder and former Marine reveals she's transgender

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Janae, who is the all-time world record holder in the
220lb after posting a combined weight of 2,551lbs with
squat, bench press, and deadlift, has made a successful
career for herself as an author, model and sponsored

She also served in the US Marine Corps from 1991 to
1995 and was selected for Presidential Security duty
under President Bill Clinton. After leaving the marines,
Janae, who was at the time known as Matt, attended
Ferris State University and now works as a registered
pharmacist in the specialty pharmacy division of

'If I am forced to pick a gender I identify with more it
is female,' the 42-year-old said. 'However, this really
isn’t about me being a boy or a girl or something in
between. This is just about me being me, who I am and
who I know myself to be.'
And while some outlets have falsely reported that she has
already transitioned, Janae shared another Instagram
post on Thursday to separate fact from fiction.

'I am trying to wait until my sons are out of high school
before moving forward,' she explained. 'This is one
hundred per cent my decision not theirs.'
'My sons encourage me to do whatever I need to do and
state that they are totally fine with me transitioning now
or at any point I see fit,' she added. 'They are amazing
young men and the bond we have is unreal.'

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