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He Is Obsessed With Other Men
It is simply a subconscious behavior that every
man does throughout the day without realizing
it, that is to check out on the opposite sex. But
when he starts to check out on other men
regularly, instead of women, well, there is a
problem. The next time you’re out or on a date
with him, just pay close attention to where his
eyes are roaming. If not women, he is busy
checking out other men.
Flirty With Males
Guys keep male friends, but when the guy
seems a little out of place with his guy pals,
always hanging out with men in secluded areas
and he seems to be a bit more flirty than
normal, that could definitely be a sign that he’s
playing for the other team. When he even
spends the night with his male friends often he
might be enjoying his best sexual moments. As
men get older, the idea of having a party gets
less and less exciting. In fact, the thought of
having another guy spend the night is almost
repulsive unless they are best friends and one
will be snoozing on the couch. If this guy is
spending a lot of his time at a guy’s apartment
and overnight, he may be seeing this guy in
much more than a usual friendly manner.
He Acts Like A Lady
It’s certainly a well known stereotype that gays
tend to be a bit more conscious about the way
they look and try to look perfect majority of the
time. If this guy is just a little bit too perfect
like his hair is always done nicely, powdered
face, even well groomed eye brows, his
beards perfectly shaven and his outfit is as
fashion forward as it could possibly get with
matching shoes and scarves then you need no
one to inform you that he is gay. When he
spends more time than an average female in the
bathroom every morning, he might just be very
metrosexual and care a lot about his looks but
at least ninety percent of males aren’t like that.
So pay attention to this.
He Idols The Top Male Celebrities
Gay men love male sexy celebrities who live
lavish, over the top lifestyles. They love it
because these individuals aren’t afraid to be out
there and have all of the finest things in life. If
this dude seems to idol celebrities with
incredibly lavish lifestyle, then he may be gay.
He Enjoys Watching “Girly” Television
Most guys have this phobia for girly television
shows. It will be hard to meet a guy who will
want to sit through another episode of “The
Real Housewives of Orange County” or “Glee”
or any other stereotypical “girly” show on TV
the way he will sit around and wait for the
next episode of Game of Thrones, Tyrant and
any masculine movies. But if a guy seems to be
up to date on all of these female shows, it may
be a sign that he’s gay.
He Speaks In Favor Of Gays
If he is fond of defending the gays and sees
nothing bad in the act is a good sign to know
that he is one. Most gay men will go out of
their way to make it apparent that there is
absolutely nothing wrong with gay men and they
should be treated equally. And while this is
absolutely true, most men won’t make this a
usual topic of conversation. So, if this guy
seems to bring up the gay community often and
goes out of his way to make sure you know
how okay it is, it may be a way for him to
justify his sexuality.
He Despises Gays
On the other hand, some gay males especially
ones who are not out of the closet yet, will go
out of their way to show how much they
despise gay males and the gay community
altogether. It’s simply a way for them to try
and hide their true feelings and make it seem
like they are in fact, straight. If the guy tends
to bring up the gay community in a negative
way often, he might be trying to hide something
from you and maybe hide something from
himself too.
He Doesn’t Compliment Girls Normally Like
Every Other Guy
When you wear a new dress or get your hair
done, most men won’t even notice. And if they
do, they’ll most likely say something like,
“Wow, you look sexy” or “You look beautiful”.
Those are just the normal things men say.
aren’t really ones for going overboard with
hundreds of adjectives thrown into every
compliment. But if this guy tends to throw out
compliments that are simply not masculine and
way too fashionable, there may be a problem.
For instance, a guy shouldn’t be complimenting
you on how well a girls red Gucci dress
matches with your gorgeous high heels and how
it would look even better if she threw on a
leather jacket to tie the look together or that the
hair looks lovely but she might want to go with
a blunt cut since your hair is on the thin side.
Hair and outfits are two things most men aren’t
interested in nor know a thing about unless he’s
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